About Us
Our Cosmetic Clinic and its Philosophy
"Education and knowledge is power. We educate you and inform you, empowering you with the right information to help you through the decision making process."
Our patients are our utmost priority. This means:
- Listening carefully to understand your specific needs in the context of your life
- Providing you with all the information you need to make a fully informed choice
- Pledging you complete honesty, even to the point of advising against a procedure if Dr Konrat believes it is in your best interest (in such rare situations she will work with you to identify satisfactory alternatives)
- Providing you with complete privacy and confidentiality in an environment of uncompromised ethics
- Ensuring the latest in medical and surgical knowledge and techniques are available to you
- Post-operative / post-procedure care to assist without complications

Important things to consider before having Cosmetic Surgery
- Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding with surgery, Dr Konrat encourages patients to seek a second opinion from a similarly qualified and experienced practitioner.
- Results of surgery, recovery times, healing times and potential complications will vary for each individual patient. These are detailed in your consultation and pre and post operative instructions.
- Photos and videos featured are not a guarantee that your results will be the same as the ones in the photos or videos, and the results depicted do not guarantee a particular outcome.
- Content on our website and on our Instagram and Facebook pages is published with the consent of our patients.
- The content featured is generalised in nature and does not constitute medical advice.
- Immediate post operative results may differ from final results.
Operating Doctor Qualifications
Dr Georgina Konrat
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
Surgical Fellow of the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine (FACCSM)
Registered Medical Practitioner: (MED0001407863)
General Registration
Occasionally we will ask past patients to kindly fill out a questionnaire about their experience at Brisbane Cosmetic Clinic for quality and compliance purposes. Dr Konrat and her team welcome you to report any concerns you may have regarding your surgery outcome or your experience. Approaching us first allows us to assist you with your concerns where possible and helps us improve the quality and standards of our care.
Patients who feel their concern remains unresolved, may make a submission to the Office of the Health Ombudsman in Queensland or to the Health Care Complaints Commission in NSW.
Important thing to know before booking a consultation
- You must have a referral from a GP in order to book your consultation: there are no rebates with any cosmetic surgery procedures.
- You are required to have 2 consultations: One of these consultations must be in person. The other consultation can be conducted virtually by video.
- After the second consultation with the Doctor, you will be able to sign your Consent for Surgery document. Once you have had your second consultation, there is a mandatory cooling off period of 7 days before you can arrange or undertake your surgery.