Areolae Reduction Surgery
Dr. Konrat operates in Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sydney.
Areolae and Nipple Reduction Surgery
Areolae and nipples, just like breasts, come in different shapes and sizes, so there is no right or wrong size for areolae.
Dr Konrat will evaluate your personal situation to help you determine the best procedural option for you. She will check your general breast and nipple health as part of your consultation to determine if areolae reduction surgery is the right option for you.

Dr Georgina Konrat
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
Surgical Fellow of the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine (FACCSM)
Registered Medical Practitioner: (MED0001407863)
General Registration

Get in touch with our team today to find out how we can help you
Information about Areolae Reduction Surgery
Areola reduction surgery reduces the size of the dark pigmented skin around the nipple.
Areola reduction can also reduce the prominence and projection of areolae in tuberous breasts.
The procedure takes between 1 and 2 hours.
Dissolvable sutures are mostly used to close incisions around the areolae.
You will need to wear a support bra for 12 weeks following surgery.
You will see a difference in your areola size and shape immediately following surgery.
Most women who are able to breast feed can still breast feed following areolae reduction surgery.
Areolae reduction does not lift the breast. Only a breast lift or Mastopexy ‘lifts’ the breast.
Learn more from Dr Georgina Konrat
It is critical that you are fully informed about the procedures: the information on this website has been written and is regularly updated by Dr. Konrat. However, you should never make a decision by reading a web page alone, no matter how comprehensive the information is. We encourage you to book a personal consultation with Dr. Konrat, where she will assess you, explain the procedure and your options in detail and help you to understand all the options as well as the risks and complications of areolae and nipple surgery.
If you feel ready to book a consultation with Dr Georgina Konrat, please click on the “Book Now” button at the top of the page.
Please note the important facts below:
- A GP referral is required to book your consultation.
- Two consultations are required. There is no extra fee for the second consultation. One of the consultations is required to be in person with the Doctor performing your procedure. One of the consultations may be conducted via telehealth via FaceTime or zoom.
Please note that a 7 day cooling off period is required following the second consultation prior to booking a surgery date.
It is critical that you are fully informed about the surgical procedure you are considering. An in-depth consultation and examination informs you of the options as well as the risks and complications of your surgery.
Dr Konrat and her team aim to provide every patient with the highest standard of care from their first phone call through to the final post operative visit.
Results, risks, recovery from surgery and healing vary between individual patients and are dependent on factors including, but not limited to genetics, diet, exercise, co-operating with post operative appointments and care.
Areolae reduction is usually performed as a Day Surgery and can be performed under sedation with long acting local anaesthesia or just under local anaesthetic. The procedure takes between 1 and 2 hours, and you will need to be driven home by a responsible carer.
After an incision is made around the nipple, some of the dark pigmented area of the areola is removed, and the incision is closed. You can take a shower and get back to normal activities and light exercise within a 24 hours following the surgery. Water resistant dressings are placed over the breasts. You should see a difference in the shape and size of your areolae immediately following surgery. Final results of surgery can take up to 12 weeks to be apparent.
The incision on the breast is small and some of the stitches may dissolve, but you will need to return to the clinic 2 weeks following your surgery to have the stitches removed. The scars from this procedure are not usually prominent but depending on your skin type may be visible. There may also be some gathering around the outside of the areolae for some weeks to months depending on the size of the reduction. This routinely settles and becomes smooth in time.
Before making a decision to proceed with surgery, please review our Consent for Surgery form about this surgery.
- There is no special preparation required for this procedure. There are, however, several (things you can do leading up to any kind of surgery).
- There are also a number of (things you can do following any surgery).
- There are special instructions to follow after areolae reduction surgery to maintain the planned shape of the nipples and areola and ensure healing:
- Ice the area to reduce swelling.
- Avoid lifting anything weighing over 1 kg in the first week.
- Avoid bending over or reaching above your head for the first week.
- Wear a support bra for the first 12 weeks following surgery.
- Ensure your breasts are supported well at all times as this will reduce the risk of scar widening.
You should never make a decision by reading a web page alone, no matter how comprehensive the information is. We encourage you to book a personal consultation with Dr Konrat, where she will assess you, explain the procedure in detail and help you to understand all the options as well as the risks and complications of surgery in general and areola reduction surgery in particular.
As with any surgical procedure there are risks involved in areola reduction surgery. You should be fully aware of these before you elect to have the procedure. Make sure you familiarise yourself with the list of complications that can arise as a result of any surgery.
Specific complications that may occur after areola reduction surgery:
- Loss of sensitivity and numbness may occur during the healing period. Mostly this is temporary, but numbness may be permanent.
- Nipples may become uncomfortably sensitive.
- Your ability to breast-feed may be compromised.
- The two areolas may not be equal in size or are at different heights. These issues will require corrective surgery.
- Visible scarring and loss of pigmentation or increased pigmentation is possible.
There will be some minor bleeding following areolae reduction surgery. Bleeding will usually subside on its own. This rarely appears as bruising in the breast surrounding the areolae. If the bruising becomes extensive or there is excessive bleeding we recommend getting in touch with Dr Konrat for assessment.
While infection is rare with areolae surgery, infections can occur after any surgical procedure. If minor infections do occur, they can slow the rate of healing. Following your areolae reduction surgery aftercare instructions carefully will help to reduce the risk of infection.
The possibility of scarring is another risk associated with areolae reduction surgery. Most patients find it difficult to detect their scar 3 months following their procedure. The scar will mostly be hidden in the border between the paler breast tissue and the reduced areolae and will routinely improve over time and be well camouflaged by the colour of the areolae. The severity of scarring will vary from patient to patient, in many cases the scar will fade to be almost invisible, while in others it may more noticeable. Hypertrophic and Keloid scarring (thickened scars) may occur in patients susceptible to this type of scarring. Scar procedures are available to improve widened or visible scars.
The tissues in the areolae are delicate and minor swelling may persist for some weeks. This is not unusual and will heal well in time.
Asymmetrical results
With areolae reduction surgery, there is a small risk that the areolae may not match in size or shape following the surgery. Over time, due to the elastic nature of the areolae, they may stretch or spread out again. Areolae once reduced may also elongate depending on the weight and drape of the breasts.
Loss of ability to breastfeed
For women who are able to breast feed prior to surgery, routinely they will still be able to breast feed following areolae reduction surgery. However, some women may find it difficult to breast feed following areolae reduction surgery. If this is important, then waiting until you have completed your family is recommended.
Loss of sensation
While rare, sensation loss can occur in the weeks following surgery and will usually return to the areolae within 3 to 6 months after surgery.
Nipple & Areolae Reduction Surgery
$ price upon consultation *
You will be provided with an accurate quote during your consultation, so you can be assured that you will be receiving a treatment specifically tailored to your individual needs. We try at all times to keep all our procedures within an acceptable and ethical cost estimate allowing patients the opportunity to make personal life changes they need or desire.

Common Procedures Performed by Dr Konrat:
Not sure where to start?
Do you live in Brisbane, Sydney, the Gold Coast, or “out of town?” and still have questions about Areolae reduction surgery?
Get in Touch.
Dr Georgina Konrat and her team are here to help you become fully informed about Areolae reduction surgery and empower you with the knowledge you need to make important decisions about surgery. We welcome enquiries from patients in Brisbane, Sydney, the Gold Coast, and Australia wide.