Dr Georgina Konrat
Cosmetic Surgery with Dr Georgina Konrat at Brisbane Cosmetic Clinic
Dr Georgina Konrat graduated from Sydney University in 1996 with a Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery. Following basic general surgical training, Dr Konrat completed further surgical training in Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine with the Australasian College of Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery (ACCSM), graduating in 2007. Aside from her work in Cosmetic Surgery, Dr Konrat is a registered surgery preceptor for the training and supervision of Cosmetic Surgery Doctors studying towards their fellowship in cosmetic surgery. Dr Konrat continues to undergo professional development in Cosmetic Surgery each year attending and presenting at National and International conferences and participating in live surgery workshops in accordance with ACCSM and the National requirements.
Dr Konrat is a visiting medical officer at Canossa Private Hospital in Brisbane and at Southport Day Hospital on the Gold Coast and Sydney.
Her scope of practice in Cosmetic Surgery includes: breast surgery (augmentation with implants, correction of asymmetrical breasts, tuberous breasts, breast reduction, mastopexy or breast lift, inverted nipples, nipple reduction and gynaecomastia in men. She performs body contouring surgery such as abdominoplasty and brachioplasty (arm lift) following massive weight loss. Dr Konrat has a special interest in Intimate Female Surgery and is the inventor of the Labiaplasty procedure known commonly as DOVE Labiaplasty. She is actively involved in research and development in this area of female medicine and surgery.
Dr Konrat also performs minor procedures such as Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty and Otoplasty.
Qualifications and Membership
Bachelor of Science, Melbourne University,1988
Bachelor of medical Science Honours, Sydney University 1989
M.B.B.S: Sydney University 1996
FACCSM: Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine 2007.
Surgery supervision and training: ACCSM registrars in training since 2016.

Dr Georgina Konrat
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
Surgical Fellow of the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine (FACCSM)
Registered Medical Practitioner: (MED0001407863)
General Registration

Konrat, G. Introducing a new technique for labiaplasty – the ‘Dove’ technique (Double offset V-Plasty with extended de-epithelialization). Journal of Cosmetic Surgery & Medicine.Vol 6 Number 3 36-43. 2012.
Konrat, G. Ethics and Rules: The Challenge of Cosmetic Practice Advertising. Australasian Journal of Cosmetic Surgery. Volume 4 Number 1 2008
Konrat, G. The Brainstem and SIDS: A comparative morphometric study of the Hypoglossal and Dorsal Motor Nucleus of Vagus.
Konrat G, Dwarte D, Ellis P. An epidemiological survey of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in NSW 1990 – 1995.
Konrat G, Halliday G, Sullivan C, Harper C: Preliminary Evidence suggesting delayed development in the Hypoglossal and Vagal nuclei of SIDS infants: A Necropsy Study. Journal of Child Neurology 1992;7:1, pp.44-49.
Cosmetex 2016: Recurring themes in an age-old debate: Subglandular or submuscular placement of breast implants in primary cosmetic augmentation mammoplasty.
Cosmetex 2014: Labiaplasty: Introducing the DOVE Technique.
ACCS & CPSA Conference 2008: The Ultimate GI Program
ACCS & CPSA & AAFPS Conference 2006: Ethics & Rules: The Challenge of Cosmetic practiceAdvertising.
ACCS & CPSA Conference 2005: Contour Thread Lifts: Pitfalls
ACCS & CPSA Conference 2004: Stitched UP! Contour Thread Lifting in the face and neck